Solstice Moth Weekend 23rd-24th June

 Join All Year Round for our annual celebration of all things Moth!

Ymunwch Trwy’r Flwyddyn ar gyfer ein dathliad blynyddol o bopeth Gwyfyn!

We will be setting up the moth trap on the night of Friday 23rd June and seeing what we have found on the morning of Saturday 24th June. All lovingly surrounded by friends, campfires, a bring and share feast, chat, games, wildflower labyrinths and all the usual lovely stuff.

Byddwn yn gosod y trap gwyfynod ar nos Gwener Mehefin 23ain ac yn gweld pa rydym wedi darganfod ar fore Sadwrn Mehefin 24ain. Y cyfan wedi’u hamgylchynu’n gariadus gan ffrindiau, tanau gwersyll, gwledd dewch a rhannu, sgwrs, gemau, labyrinth blodau gwyllt a’r holl bethau hyfryd arferol

Those who would like to camp over in the wildflower meadows are welcome; otherwise come back early on Sunday to help identify the moths and release them back into the wide world.

Mae croeso i’r rhai a hoffai wersylla draw yn y dolydd blodau gwylltion; neu dewch yn ôl yn gynnar ddydd Sadwrn i helpu i adnabod y gwyfynod  a’u rhyddhau yn ôl i’r byd eang.

The moths are amazing and beautiful. 
If you have never experienced the hidden wonder of what flies at night you are in for a treat!

Mae’r gwyfynod yn anhygoel ac yn hardd. 
Os nad ydych erioed wedi profi rhyfeddod cudd yr hyn sy’n hedfan yn y nos, rydych chi mewn am wledd!


£10 Adult / Small Family : £2.50 Child : £20 Family 

The event will be held outdoors around the Trust barn and Roundhouse. (If the forecast is very poor we may postpone.)  Overnight camping is available on site at no extra cost. 

Outline Timetable 

Friday 23rd June Saturday 24th June 
Arrivals, campers set up

Bring and share feast. A campfire will be available for cooking if you want

Campfire, games or craft, walk the wildflower labyrinth

At Dark
Set up the moth trap, probably in Mari Jones

Look in the moth trap! Identify, record and release the moths with the help of Sally Hall

Departures by lunchtime.

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