All About Us

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  • To maintain one or more areas of land in Dyfed as a holistic permaculture system, aiming at self sufficiency in basic foods, fuel, water and energy: and recycling wastes.
  • To research and record the process of designing and implementing this system, offering students of organic growing, green design, sustainable living, alternative technology, country crafts and skills and other allied disciplines the opportunity to put theory into practice.
  • To offer educational courses, work placement activities and recreational events as a way of integrating work, study and play.
  • To establish close working relationships with the local community, including welcoming visitors, learning and using the welsh language, and sharing information and resources
  • To provide space for, and to conserve, an ever increasing diversity and complexity of wildlife on the site: devoting some areas entirely to wilderness and incorporating wildlife needs into designs
  • To carry out the above objects with a commitment to co-operation, a respect for all life, and a willingness to take decisions in a spirit of simplicity, truth and love.


  • Cynnal un neu ragor o randiroeth yn Nyfed fel system amaeth parhaol yn anelu at hunan gynhaliaeth mewn bwydd sylfanaenol, tanwydd, dwr ac ynni, ac ailgylchynnu gwastraf.
  • Ymchwilio a chyfnodi’r proses o gynllunio a gweithredu’r system hon, cynnig I fyfyrwyr amaeth organic, cynllunio gwyrdd, bywyd cynhaliadwy, technoleg arall, crefftiau, sgiliau gwledig a phynciau tebyg eraill, y cyfle I sylweddoli syniad. Cynnig cyrsiau addysgol, cyfleoedd gwaith, dygwyddiadau hamddenol I cyfuno gwaith astudiaeth a chwarae.
  • Sefydlu cysylltiadau gweithio agos gyda’r gymuned, sef croesawi ymwelwyr lleol, dysgu a defnyddio’r iaith gymraeg a rhannu gwybodaeth ac adnoddau.
  • Darparu lle ar gyfer, ac I ddiogeli amrywiaeth a cymhlethdod byth-gynyddol o fywyd gwyllt ar y safle; yn cysegru rhai ardaloedd yn cyfan gwbl I natur ac yn ymgorffori anghenion bywyd gwyllt I mewn I cynlluniau.
  • Gweithio’r amcanion uchod gydag ymrwymiad I gydweithredu, parch at holl fywyd, bodlonrwydd I wneud penderfyniadau mewn ysbryd symlrwydd, gwirionedd a chariad.


A 24 acre farm, at Bach y Gwyddel, straddling the hamlets of Cwmpengraig and Penboyr, has been farmed organically for 35 years. Set on a hillside, it looks out south and west with stunning views across a wooded valley and up to hill pasture and scattered farms beyond. The farm comprises wildflower meadows and mixed grazing pasture bordered by mature hedgerows (particularly laburnum), 3 acres of woodland, a tree nursery, ponds, sheep, bees, a multi-purpose wooden pole barn, retreat and camping areas, rainwater catchment for the fruit & vegetable gardens & allotments, compost toilets and solar showers. Bats, badgers and buzzards find a home here in this very peaceful rural setting.


The Trust has had a home at Bach Y Gwyddel since January 1995. It is owned by it’s members, overseen by trustees, run by a management committee; with the day-to-day workings carried out by the Trust’s tenants and volunteers.

The Trust manages the land sustainably to support the important habitats that are part of the farm, and to produce a harvest; hosts educational visits & courses that empower people to live & work in a more sustainable way through learning & practicing new skills; as well as providing space for local people to grow food & set up small livelihoods.


The Trust is a not-for-profit enterprise registered with Environment Wales and a Permaculture Association member. The Farm derives a small income from produce, letting space for allotments and bee keeping, as well as educational visits/courses (such as scythe courses and building projects), recreational events (such as seasonal gatherings), camping and retreats. Other income comes from membership fees, donations and grants (which in the past have included Society for Environmental Improvement, Environment Wales, Coed Cymru, Carmarthen County Council, the National Lottery and the National Assembly).