Category Archives: Ecology

Open Meadow Morning – Bore Dol Agored

OPEN MEADOW MORNING Saturday 22nd June ~ Dydd Sadwrn Mehefin 22ain BORE DOL AGORED Join us for a tour of our glorious traditional wildflower meadows. Learn about the diversity of species in the meadows and how we manage them for biodiversity and yield. Dysgwch … Continue reading

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BIG GREEN MOTH CAMP Saturday 15th – Sunday 16th June GWERSYLL GWYFYNOD MAWR Dydd Sadwrn 15fed Mehefin – Dydd Sul 16eg Mehefin We will be setting up the moth trap on the night of Saturday 15th June and seeing what we have … Continue reading

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Open Meadow Morning – Bore Dol Agored

Dydd Sadwrn 1 Gorffennaf, 10am-1pmSaturaday 1st July, 10am – 1pm Join us for a tour of the farm’s glorious traditional wildflower meadows. Enjoy the beauty whilst we tell you all about why they are so important and how we manage … Continue reading

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Family Friendly Grassland Management Event!

Family Friendly Grassland Management A day of family friendly workshops in partnership with Cwm Arian Renewable Energy This event is for you if you’re interested to learn more about managing grassland, how to spot interesting grassland species, are interested to … Continue reading

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One more waxcap…

…and quite a special one. This is Gliophorus reginae or the Jubilee Waxcap. Why is it special? The Jubilee Waxcap was only recognized as a separate species in 2013. There are very few records of it in Wales, so it … Continue reading

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It’s Waxcap season!

Here are some of the lovely grassland fungi I have found in the last few weeks. If you want to know more about these gems of Autumn, Plantlife have produced this useful guide to Waxcap and allied fungi.

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Hedgerow Management. Annual flailing and wildlife

I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning. As I lay there in the graying morning light, the sound of a tractor and hedge flail crept into my consciousness. My heart sank. I hate the annual flailing of … Continue reading

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Moth Celebration – Moth and Bats Species List

Here is the full list of species of moths identified during our recent Moth Celebration. It’s worth a read just for the wonderful names. Thanks to Sally Hall for helping us identify them all, and to Isabel Macho of Carmarthenshire … Continue reading

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Dyeing Wool with Plants

A Natural Dyeing Workshop led by Susan Martin was held at the Trust today, and an enjoyable event it was. Susan took us through the whole process of dyeing, including mordanting the wool so that the dyes will fix, collecting … Continue reading

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Biodiversity at the Trust

The picture below is of a moth trap glowing at the bottom of one of the Trust’s hay meadows. This was set up on the evening of Monday 30th June and shone brightly for several hours through the night, looking … Continue reading

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