Our next volunteer workday will be Sunday 12th September, from 10am – about 4pm
We will be working on the Trust’s beautiful Roundhouse. There will be various task to do with the aim of moving the structure closer towards “finished”.
Have a look at the Roundhouse “to-do” list at the end of this email for a fuller idea of what we’ll be doing. In brief volunteers can:
- Learn to mix and use cob
- Make bottle bricks
- Do some walling with cord wood and bottle bricks
- Meet and talk to other Trust members and volunteers
- Enjoy a delicious bring and share lunch!make your contribution to the Roundhouse. So many hands have helped with this project!
Places are limited and must be booked in advance. The day is free to attend.
Please bring a contribution for a bring and share lunch, work gloves (and/or rubber gloves for cob),work boots and/or wellies and any clothing that the weather might need!
Croeso Cynnes i Bawb!
The Roundhouse List
Here are some of the things we need to do on this and future workdays.
- Cob mixing
- Bottle brick making
- Using cob to put in half logs up the outside of the Roundhouse uprights.
- Taking the funky stove to pieces, wire brushing, blacking and reassembling.
- Fitting stove chimney and stove, infilling the top half of the wall behind the stove with cob / bottle bricks / cordwood.
- Fitting last window.
- Finishing around the tall window – cob and bottle bricks.
- Infilling tops of walls where cob has shrunk away from top beam
- Fitting of the final wood slabs under the wardrobe, cob around it and fix into place.
- “Skirting” around the floor (planning how to do it, maybe getting started)
- Developing a plan for the hole in the middle of the floor
- Grading the entrance
- Developing a plan for front three panels – temporary closures so the roundhouse can be used open or closed?