Our next volunteer workday will be Saturday 9th October, from 10am – about 4pm
We will be working on getting the Trust’s infrastructure ready for winter.
Remember our fancy new accessible composting toilet? It’s getting good reviews from visitors and now we need to ensure that the access to it doesn’t flood if (when??) we get a lot of rain this winter.
In brief, jobs will include:
- planning
- clearing vegetation
- extending the ditch by the hedge
- meeting and talking to other Trust members and volunteers
- enjoying a delicious bring and share lunch!
There may also be some tasks to do on the roundhouse, depending on numbers.
Places are limited and must be booked in advance. The day is free to attend.
Please bring a contribution for a bring and share lunch, work gloves, work boots and/or wellies, loppers / secateurs / spades / digging tools if you have any and any clothing that the weather might need!