The coming spring is greening up the roundhouse roof beautifully. But we need walls…
Ahead of the next stage of the roundhouse build, we are looking for some natural / reclaimed materials. Below is our wish list – let us know if you have any of the below, or can point us in the direction of someone who does.
The Wish List
We have plenty of mud right now…but the Trust land is not naturally abundant in clay. We need about half a 1 tonne builders bag to mix with our subsoil to make cob. Let us know if you have a corner where you wouldn’t mind us sourcing some from, or have recently dug a pond and have a pile ready to be taken away.
Second hand windows
We’re looking for up to 3 large and 3 small double glazed windows to fit into the roundhouse, ideally with wooden frames.
Willing Wall Builders
Do you want to come and help build the walls, or know someone who might? The Roundhouse Wall Building workshop will be happening at the end of April, covering techniques such as cob and walling with straw bales, bottle bricks and cordwood. The workshops we ran last year were a lot of fun, and informative too. This one promises to be just as good.