We had another great Roundhouse workday on Saturday 8th January! As the building gets more established the tasks get a bit fiddlier, so we were working in teams yesterday.

Team one were tasked with filling the 13 sided hole in the middle of the floor.
It was a rather irregular tridecagon, so they made a template using an old bit of polytunnel plastic before transferring to the board and cutting out. It only need a bit of final fettling to get a good fit.
Next step to create something exciting on top…a mosaic perhaps?

Team two were on gardening.
After harvesting bamboo canes for use by team three they worked on clearing the beds around the roundhouse ready for a good muck and mulch around the existing planting.
Team three were making Roman blinds as a temporary fill for the three open panels, when we want to make it more cosy inside.

Armed with a set of curtains found in charity shop, an old sheet, bamboo canes, small rings, string, a couple of sewing machines and googled instructions we set to work.
It was real guerrilla sewing – I don’t think I’ve ever used a sewing machine in a barn dressed in muddy boots, coat and a woolly hat before!
The results of all three team’s work looks really great. I’m looking forward to the next stage!
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