“Many commercially available small wind turbines with plastic blades and steel towers are infamous for their low reliability, high embodied energy, and limited power output……Building them out of wood can address these issues”
from Reinventing the Small Wind Turbine by Kris De Decker
This interesting article includes reference to wooden bladed “Hugh Piggott” turbines of the sort that we will be building at the Trust this Autumn.
It talks about how small wooden bladed turbines can be produced locally, are aesthetically appealing, are more reliable and have a lower embodied energy then commercially available small turbines.
Spreading the skills to build a better wind turbine
We’re keen to help spread the skills needed to build these turbines, which is why we have invited Jonathan Schreiber over to lead our workshop.
We have also created a bursary fund to support greater access to the workshop. Applications are welcome from anyone who thinks they might benefit from the workshop but would find it hard to raise the full cost.
If you would like to support our bursary fund, you can donate via our fund page – www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wind-turbine-bursary