Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June 2016
Come to Dyfed Permacuture Farm from 6pm on Saturday to help set up the moth trap. Bring food to cook on the fire, stories to share and instruments to serenade the moths with! Camping available, donation payable to the trust.
We will be opening the moth trap at 10am on Sunday morning to see what we’ve caught and will identify them with local moth expert. Last time we set up a trap we caught an amazing array of species, from ones so camoflaged that they looked lke sticks to bright greens, pinks and golds, as stunning as any butterfly
. . . stay for moth crafts and activities and a bring and share solstice picnic.
You are welcome to come for all or part of the celebration. It would be great if you could let us know you are planning on coming.